Thursday, July 26, 2012

Episode 46: Holy Rat Race!

Get ready for a "deep six" batmites... we're back with another stunning episode of Steve and Andy Meet Batman! We cover yet another rat-themed episode the Batman 66, "Holy Rat Race!". We last left the dynamic duo as they were tied up about to be run over by a train... will they escape?! Will they stop False Face in time?! Will O'Hara ever sober up? Find out all this and more with Steve and Andy!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Episode 45: Summer Camp Month 2: The Burning!

We're live from the beautiful Iowa State Fair, and we're talking about George Costanza in "The Burning"! So, grab some corn, eat a funnel cake, and gather round the campfire and Steve and Andy spin the sinister tail that is "The Burning"! Sorry, for the long delay, the audio for this episode was originally seized by the Iowa State Police for being "too awesome".