Monday, November 26, 2012

Episode 51: Better Luck Next Time!

Hey Batmites! What does a bottomless pit, heathen Aunt Harriet, downer ending, and a neutered Alfred have in common? Steve and Andy Meet Batman episode 51 of course! So, sit back and relax in your favorite darkened room, Paul-style, and enjoy this post-Thanksgiving helping of Steve and Andy!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Episode 50: The 50th Episode!

The national nightmare is over! After two months of waiting and hoping the 50th Episode of Steve and Andy Meet Batman is ready to be added to your listening device! Batmites, join Steve and Andy as they tear into two classic 1950's 50s: World’s Finest #50 and Batman #50! Will Batman and Robin be able to solve the mystery of the bullet hole club? Will Jimmy, the Boy Wonder replace poor Dick? Will Superman be able to fill out a form correctly? These questions and more will be answered in Steve and Andy Meet Batman Episode 50!